Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The DeLorean makes a comeback

The DeLorean is back. Or is that, was back, or will be back?? I don't know.
Anyway from whatever time, it's back.
The company just released a prototype DMC-12 Ev at the DMC Texas Open House. Has a 260 horsepower electric motor, giving it a top speed of 125 mph. But don't forget to turn off the time circuits, or you'll see some serious shit happen!!
For a few more spec's including if it comes with a flux capacitor, check out inhabitat

Monday, October 17, 2011

NBN gives only 23% to Aussie firms

A spat has broken out with The Australian saying the NBN Co. has given Australian controlled companies contracts worth only 23%, during the construction. NBN Co. say's it's more like 50%.
Check out The Australian's analysis that has local tech firms feeling left out
The 23%  is even further reduced if you consider that Optus is 100% owned by Singapore Telecommuncations

Truckie assist, ends police high speed chase

A high speed chase by police ended,  when a truckie assisted, and blocked a speeding car from passing on  the north side of Albury on Saturday morning. Not only is the car driver being charged on alleged drink driving, but also throw in dangerous driving, disqualified driving, unregistered & uninsured vehicle, using a vehicle with defective tyres, and I assume there could well be failing to stop under police direction, or something along those lines.
Story covered by both The Border Mail and the ABC Goulburn Murray

Horse deaths a mystery

A property in Kooralbyn, South Queensland (between Surfers Paradise and Warwick ), is at a lose as to the death of an alarming number of horses. Several vets, the RSPCA, and veteran horsemen, all have had  theories, but all theories have come up false.
The Sydney Morning Herald  has more on the puzzle

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ruttley freightlines ceases trading

ATN is running a story behind a paywall saying  Ruttley Freightlines have finished trading and owe millions in Tax and entitlememts.
For those with access to their paywall

C-15 CAT's will purr to meet Aussie design rules

It seems Caterpillar are not going to give up the truck engines as quietly as we thought.
It seems Cat have been able to come up with a few tweaks & minor changes that will give the C-15 engine block enough of a change to allow it to meet new Australian Design laws.
Story is by the ATN Magazine
 Image credit William Adams

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Council reject Vodafone phone tower

Launceston City Council has rejected a request for the erection of a Vodafone mobile phone tower. One of the reasons for the rejection was, health concerns. Despite the fact that the tower at it's peak, would only emit a field of electromagnetic energy that was only 0.02% (2/10,000th's) of the recommended level by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, the Council ignored recommendations from it's own Council Planners, and follow the wishes of local residents that opposed the tower.
The Examiner in Tassy has the story

NSW RTA hope that Santa will bring smart phone app for Xmas.

NSW RTA hope that they will have a smart phone app out for testing by Christmas. The app will use it's GPS and AGPS to monitor both your position, and your speed compared with the posted speed limit for that area. If your over, it will alert you.

NBN, the most extreme example of government intervention

The  NBN Co. is having a tough time of it at the moment. In the last day or two, they have taken fire from,  The ACCC,  the UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.
The EIU costed Australia's broadband at $3455 per house, compared with The States at $159 & The U.K. at $57.  via The Sydney Morning Herald.

The Daily Telegraph has a report on how the ACCC has a few points of concern over ISP's access to the NBN network, and it's reliance on Telstra's copper network for a period to come.

And has a report on how the NBN's deal with Optus, will gag Optus from expressing any negative comments about the NBN for 15 years. ummm, what???

ACCC boss says look-out, Telstra, NBN & others

Rod Simms,the new head of the ACCC, is wasting no time demonstrating who's the boss. He's only been in the job a few weeks, and has issue a warning to a few of the countries bigger money spinners.
Telstra, NBN Co., Australian Airports and the big supermarket chainshave all been warned, He's watching you!!
you can hear the ABC's, Mark Colvin in an interview with Rod Simms here

Monday, October 10, 2011

White-house says no more WikiLeaks leaks

It seems that on Friday, a whole range of new security measures will be announced from the White-house, regarding the handling of classified information. This is in reponse to an embarcing breach of protocol/security, which lead to WikiLeaks, obtaining hundreds of thousands copies of, sensitive, confidential and classified papers, last year.
Details from The Washington Post

Truckie's accused killers plead not guilty

Bob Knight was killed going home to Canberra, when a stray bullet struck. He was able to pull the truck over out of others harms way before he died.
Recently 9 men have pleaded not guilty over his death outside a KFC at Milperra.
The ABC has this story with an other background story by The Telegraph from late May this year

Steve Jobs was good for Apple, Sony says, now be good for us!!

Steve jobs was not just co-founder of Apple, after his return, he became Apples soul. I doubt weather Apple would be where thjety are if he didn't come back to then.
Now Sony wants him to be good for Sony. Talks are under way for Sony to own the rights to his
authorised biography, with rumours of the figure being around only $1million, (I would have expected maybe a bit more).
Check it out

NBN does a $100 Million deal with Emerson Network Power

A one year, $100 Million contract, to build 10 facilities throughout the nations largest capitals, has been won by American giant, Emerson Electrics.
More from the Technology Spectator

Unknown computer virus, grounds US drone fleet

The US drone fleet has has been grounded because of a persistent virus, that military tech personnel can't get rid of.
"We keep wiping it off, and it keeps coming back," a source said.
It seems as they are not sure of it's purpose, it would be best to just ground the fleet.
The Australian has more

NSW Fair Trade minister say to Apple, "do the right thing" by Aussies

Anthony Roberts, the New South Wales fair trading minister, has given Apple some friendly advise. He thinks that Aussie's have been given the "short shift" with Apple's pricing policy, or their sales may be effected.
Check Computerworld for the story

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Friday, October 07, 2011

Mount Panorama race cars escape fire

The Bathurst Mount Panorama race was nearly 3 cars short. While pulled up for a sleep the truck next door's load caught alight.
For the story from and a look at some photo's from the fire from The Western Advocate

Likewise, become's added to Microsoft's Linux Protection List.

Microsoft say's it has some 235 patents that are being violated by Linux and other free software. Likewise, (an open source company whose expertise is in cross platform environments, in need of identity, storage and security solutions), has recently become another adition to Microsoft's Linux Patent Protection List.
For an insight into some of the arrangment

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Meetings between Cotton interested parties and road officials over big season coming upCotton

Seems it's a big year for cotton.
Growers and suppliers want talks with police and RTA, before the task of carting the expected rise of last years yeild of 4,million bales  rising to approx 5 million this year.
Story in the Supply Chain Review

Qld railworkers have been ordered what 'UNDIES" they can & can't wear

Just when you think you have heard it all from these government departments, someone, somewhere, always pulls a trump-card.
It seem that Queensland Rail are changing their uniforms. Trouble is they are nearly see through!! Solution?? Coloured undergarments are not to be worn.
To see how bloody ridiculous some of these departments get check out the Courier Mail's story
Are you amazed as I??  

ACCC says to Optus, Why close a perfectly good network???

With the Optus network passing some 2.4 million potential customers, and serviceing over 500,000 of them, the ACCC is wondering why close a network in perfectly good working order.
Optus need to clearance from the ACCC, before it and NBN Co., can go ahead with the transfer of Optus's customers to NBN Co. for $800 Million dollars.
I hope the Commission take little notice of the point NBN made, about the network closure would give greater certainty to revenue projections for the NBN. Or their point that the take up of people using the NBN would increase. Isn't that what happens when you takeout opposition to a manopoly???
Have a read and let me know what you think 

Trying to keep good operators

   Queensland Transport and Main Roads, have today released what they call a toolkit, to help transport operators attract the right people, or at least hold the people they have. 
128 pages, is it really help, or a guide to help sort out the red tape, and try to distract from the real problem being all this type of BS getting in the way of the actual work being done??

Injunctions against sale of iPhone 4S

In a move by Samsung, in what could be called a Tit For Tat move, Samsung is to file separate preliminary injunctions, against the sale of Apple's 'NEW' iPhone 4S. This is going to get messy.
Check out... Samsung Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

13,000 Km, but WHERE IS THE DRIVER????

Yep, 13000 Km's, 3 month's on the road from Milan in Italy to Shanghai, in China, 2 vans, but NO drivers.

Calling all wanna be astronauts

Does a stint on the ISS (international Space Station) interest you??
Or maybe one day building a base on the moon??
Or maybe something more interesting that we haven't tried yet??
Yep NASA's on a recruitment drive for it's 2013 class, looking for between 8 to 12 applicants at this stage.
Do you have what it takes to explore space??  Thanks to NASA & Universe Today for the photo

Australia only Credit Card?? It might help

Up on the Gold Coast, there's a 4-day National Identity and Hi-Tech Crime Symposium happening. With credit scams the way they are, one of the ways to combat these scams particularly from overseas scammers was to introduce a card that can only be used here in Australia.
Might help, what do you think.
Do you by that much stuff overseas, & if you do, do you use something like PayPal or the like??
Check out The Brisbane Times

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Conficker, a tale of what we know.

A book written by Mark Bowden, lookinto into the worm named "Conficker". What we know and what we don't!!
New York Times

NBN not sure what to charge for it's access to the Internet

NBN Co. is unprepared to make a solid deal with Telstra or Optus, as it is still in talks with the ACCC or how to structure all the fine print and conditions of a NBN supply deal.
There are roughly 14,000 home that were on the free trial, but that finished on Friday.
Neither Telstra or Optus are willing to announce priceing plans without a firm committment from NBN Co.
Smarthouse.com.au for the story

Apple says NO to Samsung

Apple says NO to Samsung's offer, release of Samsung Tab delayed
Check the International Business Times for more

Social networks under pressure to be surveillance agents for Goverment agencies

Twitter, Facebook and other social media, are coming under more & more pressure to make available to government agencies. Amazingly, the data cost surprisingly little for agencies to access. Check out the Sydney Morning Herald for more

Now thats a transporter!!
140 tonnes, 28 wheels, 20 metres long, with 1300 horses (Yep 1300) Otto (it's nickname) used to ferry these 66 radio telescope into place, to form what is known as the ALMA Array.
Check out the video (sorry about the 30 sec add at the start) and a little more on Otto from the BBC

Monday, October 03, 2011

B-Triples on S.A. Highways, Ya or Na???

The National Transport Comission, and the Australian Trucking Assocation, are pushing to have extra routes opened up to B-Triples. But, from I've seen & heard, is meeting some resistance. The routes would be towards both Sydney and Melbourne. I think some education as to exactly where these routes will start and finish, and the parking areas built to reconfigure the rigs. The use of phrases describing B-Triples as 'Giant" probably doesn't help.
Anyway, have a look at the Adelaide Now story, and let me know what you think

Facebook upgrade looks to have rough times ahead

12 months ago, an Aussie Blogger, Nik Cubrilovic, told Facebook that their users were being tracked, even after logging off, because the log-out didn't delete one of the cookies.
Well it seems he and another 10 public interest groups have had enough, and have got together to sue facebook.
Check the International Business Times for more

The sign-up of 7 out of 3000 homes, cost us TAXPAYERS over $138,000.00

Well it seems that the launch of the NBN in Tony Windsor's seat in May, was just a big publicity stunt. Once again we find out that things aren't quite what they seem with this NBN. 
At the time of the launch in Armidale, out of 3000 home ready to go on the network, ONLY 7 had signed up.
Was it a stunt to try and boost his approval rate???
For another couple of facts Click here

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Will 2 independents be enough for the Trucking Industry

The Australian reports that Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, will not support the carbon-tax being impose on the Heavy Road Transport Sector.
 Will they be enough, or will they be strong enough to stand up to the Greens????......

Paccar named as a major innovator in heavy transport

Paccar, the maker of Peterbilt & Kenworth trucks, has been named as a major innovator in heavy transport. During the recession, Paccar seen at one stage, at least a 50% drop in sales.
 They gambled in a major electronics IT innovation project to help them pick up sales. Did/has it helped or work????
Check out http://www.informationweek.com/news/global-cio/interviews/231600897

Friday, September 30, 2011

Today ends the NBN trial, Bills start tomorrow, 1 october 2011

The first of the month see's the NBN start charging it's customers for the use of it's fibre. Untill now NBN has not charged for it's use over the trial period. for more ....

E-health draft legislation out, Fines imposed for breaches

The Australian Federal Government has released draft legislation covering the Health Industry, regarding patients records held on IT networks, which they say, will be more secure and private, and still allow Australian Citizens to apply to access their own records at any time.
The story http://www.itnews.com.au/News/275292,fines-levied-for-e-health-data-breaches.aspx
The legislation http://www.yourhealth.gov.au/internet/yourhealth/publishing.nsf/Content/C0E9D70D1051EB80CA25791A007DBDAF/$File/Exposure%20Draft%20-%20Personally%20Controlled%20Electronic%20Health%20Records%20Bill%202011.pdf

Jobs tried to fix Samsung row in 2010

Sydney court was told yesterday (Thursday, 29 Sept. 2011), of how Steve Jobs went to contact Samsung over their concerns.
How things can get messy!!

Big week for warning's from Cisco System

Cisco been busy update it's network management OS's this week. Some with software updates, some with workarounds.

Privacy Commissioner clears Sony

An investigation by Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim, into the the hacking incident of the Sony's network, has cleared Sony.
For more details, visit http://www.crn.com.au/News/275291,sonys-hacked-security-cleared-by-privacy-commissioner.aspx

A good result I think.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

China's 'Heavenly Palace'

Later today China's space admin will launch it prototype space lab. Called Tiangong 1, which means in our lingo, "Heavenly Palace". Lift off is due tonight (Thurs, 29 Sept 2011) china time. For some specs and more info on it have a look at http://www.space.com/13117-china-space-laboratory-tiangong-1-launch-ready.html .

Looks impressive.

Radiation from Deep Space

 Despite what is squabbled about in cycles world-wide, the Earth on which most of live is not the "be all & end all" of environmental sources.
 The sun (Sol), has it's storms as well.
 These storm can, and do effect what happens here on Earth. These effects probably won't be felt so much by most people, but if you are a frequent air traveller, you may have some cause for concern. A nice little peice from livescience.com makes some sense , of what, could sound complicated. Have a look at http://www.livescience.com/16273-solar-storms-space-radiation-risk-astronauts.html .

It gives a good factual look, without the BS politic's.