Friday, September 30, 2011

Today ends the NBN trial, Bills start tomorrow, 1 october 2011

The first of the month see's the NBN start charging it's customers for the use of it's fibre. Untill now NBN has not charged for it's use over the trial period. for more ....

E-health draft legislation out, Fines imposed for breaches

The Australian Federal Government has released draft legislation covering the Health Industry, regarding patients records held on IT networks, which they say, will be more secure and private, and still allow Australian Citizens to apply to access their own records at any time.
The story,fines-levied-for-e-health-data-breaches.aspx
The legislation$File/Exposure%20Draft%20-%20Personally%20Controlled%20Electronic%20Health%20Records%20Bill%202011.pdf

Jobs tried to fix Samsung row in 2010

Sydney court was told yesterday (Thursday, 29 Sept. 2011), of how Steve Jobs went to contact Samsung over their concerns.
How things can get messy!!

Big week for warning's from Cisco System

Cisco been busy update it's network management OS's this week. Some with software updates, some with workarounds.,cisco-issues-raft-of-security-warnings.aspx

Privacy Commissioner clears Sony

An investigation by Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim, into the the hacking incident of the Sony's network, has cleared Sony.
For more details, visit,sonys-hacked-security-cleared-by-privacy-commissioner.aspx

A good result I think.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

China's 'Heavenly Palace'

Later today China's space admin will launch it prototype space lab. Called Tiangong 1, which means in our lingo, "Heavenly Palace". Lift off is due tonight (Thurs, 29 Sept 2011) china time. For some specs and more info on it have a look at .

Looks impressive.

Radiation from Deep Space

 Despite what is squabbled about in cycles world-wide, the Earth on which most of live is not the "be all & end all" of environmental sources.
 The sun (Sol), has it's storms as well.
 These storm can, and do effect what happens here on Earth. These effects probably won't be felt so much by most people, but if you are a frequent air traveller, you may have some cause for concern. A nice little peice from makes some sense , of what, could sound complicated. Have a look at .

It gives a good factual look, without the BS politic's.