Saturday, June 22, 2013

They listened, Microsoft relaxes restriction to Xbox One.

There is a new variation to the saying, "Divide and Conquer".
As of today you can say "Unite and Conquer".
After Xbox gamers made a united planet-wide & I'm assuming, emotional, complaint to Microsoft, the Xbox division  have decided to relax alot their hardline on DRM with their new Xbox One.
Don Mattrick, President, Interactive Entertainment Business announced on their blog, to kill the requirment for a 24 hour connection. There is still a need for an initial system setup connection, & I would assume that there will be the need for system updates at various stages.
The blog announcement also mentions their policy on the aquisition of games for the Xbox one, will remain as it is today with the Xbox 360.

 I found it rather enlightening that one sentence toward the end of the post actually said " We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity."
Is this Microsoft's way of asking if they can come back in out of the cold.

To get the latest on the Xbox in general go to news blogsite