Friday, March 29, 2013

iPhone found to be more ‘vulnerable’ than Android smartphones - Yahoo! News

Yahoo News is running a story saying the the I-Phone maybe more vulnerable than Android,
 or most of the other smart phones

  WHAT. Can it be??
No. Surley not!! But, now-a-day's you never know. It's a bit like when I hear officials say that a system is secure from hacks, or "can't be hacked".
Everyone & everything has a weakness.

One of the I-Phone's greatest attraction to the hacker, is that Apple give the impression that (while not actually saying it), it's product is totally secure.
A good site to have a look at, to see what vulnerabilities have been ADMITTED to have been found (as oppossed to what is been kept quiet about), is at The ultilmate security vulnerability datasource, not just for Apple, but all other products, Android as well.

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