Sunday, April 14, 2013

CISPA, is it the SOPA on steroids??

SOPA, PIPA & now we're back to CISPA.
What is CISPA?
It's the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act". It is a U.S. law only, but once implemented, other govt's around the globe are sure to implement their own variation. It allows private firms to go round existing privacy laws, & collect data(e.g. E-Mail, txt msg's, any of your data stored in the cloud) & be delivered to the US Govt., all without any judicial oversite.
As Australia is laying it's own 'fibre' network this sort of law will pass alot easier, as it will be a Govt. Asset.

Zdnet has a good FAQ on the subject.

A must read for anyone if you have a interest in SOPA, PIPA OR CISPA

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